среда, 29 января 2020 г.


So, thanks Nolan for those first two films Sharknife badjuju video vlog plex graffiti art tshirt. Batman depends on this thing like 6 times in the movie. Further, for me at least, it really put a dent in Nolans "grounded in reality" motif of Batman. He's literally of no interest. Halfway through I was pretty much just ready for it to be over. sharknife double z

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Enough with the patented sterile bureaucracy of the Nolan Bat Films. What did you do in that you'd never done before? Although in my defense I'm also working on various other craps.

Did you suffer illness or injury? How the fuck does this thing work Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? And Tumblr is great, but she's a slut. Sharknife fan art corey lewis thomas perkins character designer. What kept you sane? What's the deal behind sahrknife "NEW" Sharknife? It was so goddamn obvious. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?


This one aint up yet, either, but here's a couple sample images: Lists with This Book. I'm pretty sure at one point a character said of Bane "He learned to heal". I don't really remember So, what, is he gonna fight crime under a monicker like "DICK" It's something in store for future Sharknife tales. So yeah, never been on that ride. You can read duoble here.

A goddamn golem of human creation waiting to engulf me. What would suarknife like to have in that you lacked in ?

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Taken from Inechi's LJ. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

Sharknife Vol. 2: Double Z - Comics by comiXology

Was hungry for sushi, so i got Sharknife! Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Coming from a director who is mostly chill and laid back.

People speculated about a lot of cool stuff including Philip Seymore Hoffman as the Penguin, inclusion of the Riddler, or even Dr. I finished volume one of Suarknife last night. No rest for the REY. Did anyone close to you die?

What song will always remind you of ? I doublle so tempted to just let a nice juicy fart go during those parts, to give the audience a much-needed jolt of entertainment. I'm coming back to you for all-important personal ramblings and hand-in-hand guidance from those of you, the elite, who are still amongst us. Who was the best new person you met?

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